Cleaning & disinfecting do’s & don’ts

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, many of us are taking extra steps to ensure a healthy and safe environment at home. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces is one of these preventative measures that can help protect you and your family from coming into contact with the virus. In this blog post, we’ll go over some key do’s and don’ts when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting your space – so you can be sure that you’re doing all you can to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

Do’s of Cleaning & Disinfecting – Tips to Ensure Safety

It is essential to follow proper cleaning and disinfecting do’s in order to ensure safety in today’s world. The most important do is to use a disinfecting product that is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Before using, it is beneficial to read the label for appropriate dilution, application method, contact time, safety precautions, and other information required for effective use of the product. Additionally, surfaces should be cleaned before applying any disinfecting product; this will help remove dirt and grime that may block the active ingredients from properly functioning. Pre-cleaning also reduces the number of germs present on the surface prior to application of disinfectant. Furthermore, it is important to regularly wash hands after handling used disposable or cloth cleaning supplies or products. And lastly, it should be noted that although many products claim to kill all germs on a surface some protection may still be needed against additional germs which are growing resistant to certain products; frequent cleaning at least twice a week can help reduce those risks. By following these simple steps we can take positive steps towards keeping our homes and ourselves clean during this unprecedented time.

Don’ts of Cleaning & Disinfecting – Things to Avoid

When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting, certain precautions should be taken in order to maximize effectiveness while minimizing potential damage. To that effect, many professionals, like, recommend avoiding bleach or extreme heat on certain surfaces; doing so can lead to discoloration, fading, and the possible release of toxic fumes. Additionally, when using a cleaning product, reading the label carefully is essential – paying special attention to guidance on contact time. Not adhering to these guidelines could result in less than optimal results or even damage. Lastly, it is important to remember that mixing different types of cleaner or chemicals can be hazardous; therefore, erring on the side of caution will be your safest bet.

Strategies for Effectively Disinfecting Your Home

With the current pandemic, it has become incredibly important to effectively disinfect your home. To start, make sure that any cleaning detergents you use are either purchased from reputable sellers or verified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Following these safety measures will ensure that any surface areas you clean are not exposed to harmful chemicals. When cleaning, be sure to hire background checked cleaners and cover all surfaces of an object thoroughly and wipe down doorknobs and other frequently used items more often than less-frequented spots. Don’t forget about carpets and cloth-based furniture; vacuum regularly if the fabric can’t be removed and washed – otherwise, replace with nonporous materials. Finally, remember to keep a safe distance between yourself and anyone else while attending to household duties in order to avoid any health risks associated with virus transmission. These strategies can help provide peace of mind as you strive for a clean and healthy living environment.


Cleaning and disinfecting your home to ensure the safety of yourself and your family should no longer be seen as an option, but a must. When you are informed and aware of the best practices in cleaning and using EPA-approved disinfectants correctly, you can remain confident that your home is clean and safe. Look for best cleaning services at Taking the time to focus on often-touched surfaces like doorknobs and light switches, investing in air purifiers with HEPA filters, and following the precautionary don’ts will help to make sure that you have properly taken every step necessary to stay healthy while at home. Make sure to teach children as well on what they need to do in order keep their environment sanitary and germ free. By taking these steps, we can all stay safe in our own homes during these rough times.


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