Is There Such a Thing as a “Low-Cost Divorce”?

In recent years, the cost of divorce has risen significantly. This is due in part to the fact that more couples are choosing to hire attorneys and go through the court system. However, there are a few ways to keep costs down during a divorce.

The cost of divorce can vary depending on the couple’s situation

The cost of divorcing is rarely straightforward and is dependent upon the couple’s individual situation as well as where they are getting divorced. Issues such as division of assets, spousal and/or child support, custody arrangements, and alimony can all affect the cost of divorce. Depending on the level of dispute between the parties involved, a divorce could become quite expensive after factoring in court costs, attorney fees, and other legal resources that may be needed. Often the longer and more contested a divorce is, the higher the resulting cost will be. Given this reality, it is important for couples to take proactive steps to reach an agreement outside of court if at all possible in order to avoid prolonged conflict that can add substantial costs to their separation.

There are a few ways to keep costs down during a divorce

Divorce can be a complicated process, and often times couples who are going through it can become overwhelmed by the endless costs associated to it. But contrary to popular belief, there are a few ways to reduce the monetary burden of it all. One way of doing this is to try to negotiate your own settlement rather than going to court as this can help save on lawyer fees with the help of professionals. Additionally, do-it-yourself divorce kits are an option in some areas which involve completing forms rather than attending a pricey legal consultation.

Many couples choose to use mediation or collaborative divorce

For couples considering fractioning, the traditional option of going through a court-driven divorce process can be costly and time consuming. By contrast, there are alternative, less expensive dispute resolution methods available such as mediation and collaborative divorce. In these methods of dispute resolution, both parties and their attorneys engage in honest negotiation, which is often more sollicited when facilitated by a neutral third party.

Some couples may be able to file for a no-fault divorce which can save time and money

For couples looking to minimize the cost and/or time associated with a marital dissolution, it may be possible to file for a no-fault divorce. This type of separation is usually quicker than a traditional process, as you will not have to go through motions in court or concerning the division of assets. Given the potential savings, some couples consider this alternative when they are certain that the intent is irreconcilable differences. However, even though there are benefits associated with this path, it should not be taken lightly; decisions made during a no-fault divorce still have long-term implications and should always be discussed with a lawyer before being finalized.

Cost of a divorce depends on the couple’s individual circumstances

Generally, the total cost of a divorce depends largely on the situation and needs of each couple. Depending on the number of assets, debts, and/or children, if any, a couple may incur numerous legal costs associated with their individual divorce proceedings. In some situations, it may be possible to achieve a low-cost divorce if all parties involved are in agreement and work together; however, this is not always possible.


In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not a “low-cost divorce” exists. The cost of a divorce really depends on the individual situation and circumstances of each couple. Ultimately, couples should evaluate their specific needs when deciding which route to pursue for the best outcome for both parties.


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