Feng Shui Moving Into a New House Ritual


Moving into a new house is an exciting but hectic time. One of the first things that you need to do is Feng Shui your new home so that it is conducive to good energy flow. This doesn’t have to be a complicated or expensive process; there are simple Feng Shui moving into a new house rituals that you can do to ensure that your new home is filled with positive energy. Follow these steps and you’ll be sure to create a harmonious and happy space for yourself and your family.

Research the feng shui of your new home

Moving into a new home is an invigorating experience, and many people take extra measures to ensure it is filled with positive energy. One popular way to do this is through the practice of feng shui. This ancient art focuses on finding the best arrangement of your furniture, decorations, and objects in order to bring a sense of harmony and balance to your living environment. Depending on the type of flow you are looking for, some items should be placed in specific areas or directions within the home.

Before moving any furniture in, cleanse the space with sage or another method of energy clearing

Before moving any furniture into a new space, it is important to cleanse the energy of that area with sage or another method of energy clearing. This process was practiced by many cultures throughout history, and serves to purify the space of heavy energies before moving in belongings. Not only will this practice make the moving experience more enjoyable and comfortable, it will give occupants a renewed sense of clarity and possibility as they settle into their new space. Cleansing can be done with a variety of tools such as incense, saltwater, crystals, essential oils and chanting – whatever works best for you!

Bring in fresh flowers and plants to liven up the space

It’s moving time, and that means it is the perfect opportunity to bring in life and color to the home. Nothing does this better than fresh flowers and plants. Whether it is one of the beautiful orchids for a countertop, pansies for a windowsill, or a vibrant center piece for the dining table – blooming flowers always brighten up an environment, according to camovers.ca pros. Plants are another great way to enliven a room; from ferns that draw attention to their graceful fronds, trailing ivy running down multi-level shelves, to spotlights on an iconic cacti garden – these living forms bring energy as well as life.

Place a crystal in each room to promote positive energy flow

When moving into a new home, why not get a jumpstart on promoting positive energy flow throughout the space? One way to do this is by placing a crystal in each room. Crystals have the power to revitalize the energy of any milieu and can help heal negative vibes. Placing crystals will not only help promote good energy flow in each room but also fill every area with peace and relaxation. For a relaxing California home contact modern architects of san diego-based lars architecture & construction. Incorporating crystals into your home will bring balance and harmony as you start your new life journey.

Hang wind chimes near doors and windows to ward off negative energy

Wind chimes have become a popular tool to ward off negative energy, bringing in moving and calming vibes with their soft and melodic sounds. Traditionalists believe by attaching wind chimes just outside windows and doors, these moving tones can keep bad energy from entering the home with the help of www.miraclemovers.com experts. By placing wind chimes either on your front door, outside windows, or in an open space on your balcony you are able to enjoy the tinkling beauty of nature that is sure to have a calming effect on you and your household.

Make sure all mirrors are placed correctly

Moving into a new home can be an exciting experience; however, there is one important detail to pay attention to – make sure all mirrors are placed correctly according to feng shui principles. This ancient Chinese wisdom teaches how the arrangement and positioning of objects, such as mirrors, can affect and influence the energy of your home. Furthermore, it is said that a mirror facing any door could break up optimism coming into the house or magnify bad chi causing discord.


After you’ve done your research and settled on a feng shui layout that you think will work well for your new home, it’s time to start moving in. With these simple steps, you can make sure your new home is feng shuied from top to bottom!


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